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What A Year It Has Been!

"SERVICE to others is the rent you pay for your room on earth Words" - Muhammad Ali.

This Riverboat voyage 2019-2020 is now at sea cruising to Safe harbor to drop anchor as we complete this voyage together.

I give thanks to almighty God - this has been a wonderful year notwithstanding the challenges from Hurricane Dorian and now this COVID 19 Pandemic that has created a

whole new way of living. Yes, COVID19 has made changes in the ways we Steer our Course. Practicing social distancing and conducting our meeting now by ZOOM. This is not the voyage we expected or planned, but with your patience and support we have persevered and remained on Course,

I was the Club’s Delegate to the Annual Convention and Leadership Conference in Chicago, Illinois July 3-6, 2019. It was a wonderful and exciting convention, Creating memories, networking and establishing new friendships. it was exciting to gather with so many Pilots from other countries. It is a great reminder that Pilots are not only making a difference in our local communities, but also around the world.

FUNDRAISING - The life Blood of our Club in the FUNDRAISING TEAM. We salute them for keeping funds in the Treasury. We salute Coordinator Beverley Nairn and her Team for 3 Successful Events. A Bake Sale which had variety of sweet even the old fashion coconut and pineapple tarts. A sold-out Souse Out and we were able to donate to the Great Commission Ministries Food Centre. A very successful Healthy Luncheon and presentation was par excellent.

PROJECTS - Madam Cecile Christie and the dynamic Projects Division and Team for overwhelming number of projects - 25 well planned activities and executed with excellence.

3 Successful BrainMinders presentation promoting Brain Safety hitting a record of nearly 300 student participation with trivia and gift presentations to the students and teachers.

PICK ME UPS - 10 Pick Me Ups to Care Givers who are our unsung heroes and heroines who were most appreciative of our Gift Giving. WillieMae Pratt Centre for girls - a successful meeting and Christmas Party. During the Pandemic when we thought we were on a break the Food Bank initiative was realized to help those affected by this Global Pandemic with Groceries. We also distributed groceries to Unity House and Good Samaritan Home for the Aged.

ANCHOR - Pilot Carol Edwards thank you for your work with the Anchor Club at Aquinas College. It was a tremendous year amidst the challenging school activities. Club meetings were held every Thursday from 3:15– 4:00 p.m. A successful Bake Sale was held and $340 was raised. A Pizza social was held with games and prizes. Students were anxious to support their Service Project and decided to donate blankets to the Children’s Ward at the Princess Margaret Hospital. We are looking forward to the Club’s Charter early in the 2020-2021 school Year.

MEMBERSHIP - The Membership Coordinator is like no other. She is the most energetic, enthusiastic, lively and bubbly Carolyn Deleveaux. Her main focus was Membership Growth and Retention which is the life blood of our club, realizing that Members Matter. The Buddy System was introduced where members were each paired up with each other to keep in touch with and as a mentor. We joined The Pilot Club of Nassau in a most enjoyed social event dubbed “Getting to know Your Pilots”. We installed 4 new Pilots this year.

PI AMBASSADOR - During our PIFF month of celebration and Money Corsage Competition we crowned our Past President Deborah Barry as PIFF Ambassador for 2019-2020. We visited members who were sick and bereaved. The highlight was a Lunch get together with Past President Zelma Dean.

LEADERSHIP - Pilot Sophia Walker headed our Leadership Division and the main focus was sharing Information to make members knowledgeable of Pilots Rules and Procedures. A Pilot Trivia session was done and prizes were won. Sunshine Pilot Club amended 4 of its Standing Rules and this was an opportunity for members to practice on “Making A Motion” Members Manual were distributed to each member with key Information about Sunshine Pilot Club, Bahamas District and Pilot International. The HIGHLIGHT this Year was the Design and Development of our club’s Website which was Launched last month.

OUR GOVERNOR - Thanks to our Governor Dellareese Edgecombe and it was my pleasure to work with you and your DAC Team this year as President of your home club. Thanks for your tremendous help and contribution to the club.

PRESIDENT’S PROJECTS - The President’s Project at Majorie Davis School For Special Education was to transform the school’s library. We decorated the walls, provided chairs and sitting mats for the children. Thanks for your support for the Christmas Initiative by providing Quality Stamps and Cash we were able to feed 2 families who were displaced to Nassau by Hurricane Dorian.

PILOT INTERNATIONAL -We were recognized by PI as a 250 and Pacesetter Club. We made a Contribution to Giving Tuesday and last Year our PIFF Contribution was the highest at $950. To this end my Executive Team and to you members of the Illustrious Sunshine Pilot Club of Nassau are to be commended and Celebrated for Obtaining 5 2020 PI CLUB AWARDS. I Congratulate you for being on the Winning Team. Your Hard work and Continuous Support paid off.







Thanks to all as we have “Impacted Many Lives Through our Service as was our Theme this year. Last but not least I salute and thank my wonderful family for their overwhelming support while I Served as Your President this Year.

To President Lesia and Team, I pledge my loyal support this New Year 2020-2021

Finally, I am grateful for the opportunity I have been given this year. I am humbled and honored to serve this great organization., I thank you for the challenge, I appreciate the honor and if I have done well it’s because of you all.

This is your Captain Speaking - Dorian Cox, President (2019-2020)


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